Monday, March 23, 2009

PPC Beginers Notes


Pay-Per-Click is an advertising technique used on websites, advertising networks and search engines such as Google or Overture provide listings on a per-bid basis. These are powered by a combination of keywords found on our site, link popularity. Advertisers bid on “keywords” that they believe on the target market would type in the search bar when they are looking for their type of product or service, whenever the user see our ad in the search bar , click on it and buy. These ads are called “sponsored links” or “Sponsored ads” and appear on the right side of the search page for Google and for search engines like MSN, Yahoo; it displays all the PPC listings as ‘sponsored links’ in the same column as the natural search results. Revenue will be generated only when a user clicks on the ad itself. PPC gives instant results like gathering traffic. PPC is very easy and you don’t require any special knowledge as compared to SEO campaigns.

Accessing AdWords
Visit the AdWords homepage at
Enter your email address and password in the login fields, and click Sign in.

Navigating Process :
There are four main tabs, or sections, in all AdWords accounts: Campaign Management, Reports, Analytics, and My Account. Each section can have one or more sub-sections, which are listed as links directly underneath the tabs, and may vary depending on your account settings.
If you create a My Client Center account, you'll see slightly different tabs.
Campaign Management: Get a summary of your account's performance, find useful tools for managing your campaigns, and edit your campaigns and ads through this tab. Sub-sections: Campaign Summary (from which you can drill down to view campaign details and ad group details), Tools, Conversion Tracking, and Website Optimizer.

Reports: Create detailed reports on your account's performance.
Sub-sections: Report Center and Create Report.
Analytics: Set up advanced performance tracking reporting for AdWords and other online advertising channels. Sub-sections: Analytics Settings and View Reports.
My Account: View and edit your billing and account login information.
Sub-sections: Billing Summary, Billing Preferences, Access, and Account Preferences. For qualifying advertisers, there may also be a Budget page.

Campaign Management :
Creating New Campaigns :
You can create a new campaign at any time. Each time you create a new campaign, you can start by selecting keywords or by selecting placements to target your ads. (After you create the campaign, you can always add more keywords.
Sign in to your AdWords account at
On the Campaign Summary page, find the link titled New online campaign, just above the table of existing campaigns.
Click the link and then select either Start with keywords from the pulldown menu.
If you decided to start with keywords, you may also be offered the option of using the one-page signup wizard, which allows you to copy and edit settings from an existing campaign. If the one-page wizard is available, use the drop-down menu to select an existing campaign to copy, then click 'Go' and follow the instructions on the next page.

Campaign Summary :
The Campaign Summary page is usually the first page you see when you sign in to your account.
Search: Use the 'Search my campaigns' box to search for words or phrases across all campaigns, ad groups, and ads in your account.
Receive alerts: You may see an alert box. These alerts provide important information about your account and about new AdWords features — such as a declined payment, disapproved Ads.
Create a new campaign: Use the link above the table to create a new campaign.
Change campaign status and settings: Pause, resume, or delete campaigns, or edit campaign settings by checking the box to the left of one or more campaigns .
Review the Campaign Summary table: This table displays summary data about all online campaigns in our account.
Descriptions of each table column:
Campaign Name: A list of our campaigns are displayed on the front page. Click the name of any campaign to see the ad groups within that campaign.
Current Status: The status of each campaign. A campaign's status can be Active, Paused, Deleted, Pending, or Ended:
Active: Set to run normally
Paused: Temporarily suspended and not currently running
Deleted: Deleted and no longer running
Pending: Not yet started running
Ended: No longer running as end date has already passed
Current Budget: The current daily budget of each campaign
Clicks: The clicks accrued for the ads in each campaign
Impr. (impressions): The number of times the campaign's ads have been displayed on Google or on sites in the Google Network
CTR (clickthrough rate): The number of clicks divided by the number of impressions that the ads have received.
Avg. CPC (average cost-per-click): The average cost accrued for clicks on the ads within that campaign.
Avg. CPM (average cost per thousand impressions): The average cost per thousand impressions for ads in a placement-targeted campaign
Cost: The total costs that a campaign has accrued during the time frame you selected
Conv. Rate (conversion rate): How many user clicks turned into actual conversions for the advertiser. Conversion rate equals the number of conversions divided by the number of ad clicks..
Cost/Conv.: The total cost divided by the total number of conversions. This tells us how much each conversion costs..

Editing Campaign Settings :
Basic Settings:
Edit the campaign name and end date.
Budget Options: Change the daily budget for the Campaigns in the Accounts.
Budget: Daily budget helps determine the ad display. To make sure that the daily budget is high enough to show ads whenever possible, click the 'Recommended Budget' link below the daily budget field.
Position preferences: Enable this feature to set a specific rank range that you'd like your text ads to appear on Google search.

Campaign Details :
Campaign Level
Edit selected campaign: Pause, resume, delete, and undelete the selected campaign. If you delete a campaign, you'll see an 'Undelete Campaign' button. You can also access the Edit Campaign Settings page.
Ad Group Level
Change ad group and names and states: Rename, pause, resume, or delete one or more ad groups in the table. Check the box next to one or more ad groups you want to edit, and click the relevant button.
View different ad groups: Use the drop-down menu above the table to show all ad groups, only active ad groups, or all but deleted ad groups.
Create new ad groups: Use the 'New ad group' link below the basic campaign data to create a new ad group within the current campaign. Click the link, then choose 'Start with keywords' or 'Start with placements.'
Current Bids : This column shows the current bid settings — including the default maximum or preferred bid, and optional content and placement bids — for each ad group within a campaign.
Avg. Pos. (Average Position): This shows the overall average placement for ads within each ad group.
Ad Group:
Summary: The summary view is the overview of the ad group. It gives us overall statistics for State, Current Bid, Clicks, Impressions (Impr.), Clickthrough Rate (CTR), Average CPC or CPM, Cost, and Average Position. Conversion rate columns are added for those using conversion tracking.

State: The current campaign settings for this campaign. Each network option is either on or off. If your campaign settings call for either placements or keywords, and this ad group does not include placements or keywords, then you'll see the message None selected.
Current Bid: The amount we’ve bidding per click (CPC)
Clicks: The clicks accrued for the ads in the ad group
Impressions: The number of times the ad is displayed on Google and on the Google Network
CTR (clickthrough Rate): The number of clicks divided by the number of impressions that the ads in the ad group have received
Average CPC or CPM: Either CPC or CPM will be shown here, depending on which type of bidding you've chosen in your campaign settings. The average CPC is the average cost for all variations of your keywords. The average CPM is the average price you're paying per 1000 impressions of your ads in the ad group.
Cost: The actual cost accrued for clicks or impressions the ad receives in the ad group.
Average Position: The average position where your ad appears relative to other ads. This is only for ads with CPC bidding.

Keywords: Shows the keywords you have chosen for this ad group, and how they are performing. You can add new keywords, edit existing ones, edit bids, and view their current status
Add new keywords: Add keywords by clicking the 'Quick add' or 'Keyword tool' links at the top of the table
Edit keywords: Click 'Edit keywords' to make changes to existing keywords. Then add, edit, or delete keywords. You can also enter a new bid.

Placements: Shows the placements you have chosen for this ad group, and how they are performing. You can add new placements, edit existing ones, edit bids, and view their current status. Many of the statistics are similar to the 'Summary' tab above — but specific to placements. Here are some additional functions:

Add placements: Add placements by clicking the 'Add placements' link at the top of the table. That will take you to the Placement Tool, which will help you find and select new URLs.
Edit placements and bids: Click 'Edit placements and bids' to add or remove placements or change bids.

Ad Variations: This tab displays all the different ads we've created for the ad group. we can create new ads or edit existing ones.

Create ads: Click the type of ad you want to create at the top of the table — either 'Text ad' or other ad types. Depending on availability, other ad types may include image ads, video ads, mobile text ads, or local business ads. Follow the instructions to create your ad.
Edit ads: Click the 'Edit' link next to any ad (under the 'Actions' column) to make changes.
Pause, unpause, or delete ads: Check the box next to the ad you want to pause, unpause, or delete, and click the appropriate button at the top of the table. To perform the same action across all the ads in an ad group, check the box next to 'Variations,' and then click the appropriate button.

Account preferences:
Edit your login email address, password, and display language
Budget Page:
The Budget page lets you view active, past, and future account-level budgets. Account-level budgets are issued to qualified advertisers who prefer to be billed on a monthly basis with invoices. The Budget page displays the contract account budget and contract start and end date. It shows what portion has been consumed to date.

Creating Keywords:
Keywords trigger ads.
Ads influence clicks
Keywords Matching :
Broad match is the default setting for all keywords. All searches made using your keyword (in any order or combination) might display your ad.
Phrase match narrows your reach by requiring the words to appear in that exact order.
Exact match further narrows your reach by showing your ad when the exact phrase is used in the search — without any other words before, between, or after.
Negative match eliminates searched phrases you don't want your ad to appear on, such as cheap or free.

Writing Ads :
Here are some tips for writing ads that will get people clicking:
Include a call to action, such as buy, order, and purchase. While find and search may be accurate, these words imply that the user is still in awareness or interest mode, and doesn't easily encourage the user to click through.
Include keywords in your headline, since that's what people are looking for.
Relate your ad to offers that you make on your landing page to help users complete the sales cycle.
Get to the point — fast. Include the most relevant information about your business first.
Write more than one ad per ad group, and test the results.
Here are two sample ads promoting the AdWords program: The first ad is vague, redundant, and doesn't offer any benefits or contain a call to action. The second ad contains clear ad text, a specific benefit to the user, and a call to action.

GoogleOnline advertising.Google's online advertising

Online AdvertisingImprove your website ROI. Sign upfor AdWords. Show ads

The keyword in the ad text should be identical to the keyword searched for. For example, if the keyword online advertising is clearly generating the most clicks and impressions in your account, use this term in the title of ad.
Commonly, advertisers make the mistake of including the company name or the website domain in their headlines. This typically doesn't attract more clicks unless you're advertising an established company with a distinguished brand..
The description should convey both the benefits of your product or service and include a call to action. Keep everything as short and simple as you can. Then put it all together with a call to action, such as Order now or Sign up now.

Display & Destination URL:
Display URL (or web address) doesn't have to be the same as your destination URL (where users go when they click your ad). But it should be an actual URL for your site.
Choose a destination URL that promotes the exact product or service your audience is searching for, rather than your usual homepage. It's usually most effective to direct users to a landing page that they're most interested in, as soon as you can.
Using Different Ad Formats
The following types of ads formats are listed below :
Image (and animated) ads
Video ads
Local business ads
Mobile ads

Keyword Targeting
Keyword Matching options:
You can apply the following matching options to the keywords:
Broad match
Phrase match
Exact match
Negative match

Broad match is the default setting for the keywords. Therefore, when we submit a new keyword to the ad group without quotes or brackets, it appears as a broad-matched term.
Broad-matched keywords reach a wide audience and trigger the ad to appear whenever that keyword or similar term appears in a user's query. This means that your ad appears even if:
Other words are included in the query
Terms in the query are not written in the same sequence as your keyword
The query is similar to the keyword. This includes plurals and synonyms.
Example: For the broad-matched keyword used book, your ad could appear when users enter the following queries:
Used book dealerBuy used bookUsed and rare bookUsed book for saleUsed book finder
A phrase-matched keyword triggers the ad to appear for any query that includes the keyword or phrase in the exact sequence and form that we specify. Phrase matching narrows your reach by restricting your ad from showing on irrelevant variations of your keyword.
To enable phrase matching for a particular keyword, enclose it with quotation marks.
Example: For the phrase-matched keyword "used book", your ad will appear when users enter the following queries:
Ad will appear:used book dealerbuy used bookrare and used book
Ad won't appear:used paperback bookbook of used matches

Exact match is the most precise method for targeting the keywords. Use exact match when we want our ad to appear only on a query that precisely matches the keyword you have chosen — without any additional words or letters before, between, or after the keyword.
To enable exact matching for a keyword, enclose it in square brackets.
Example: For the exact-matched keyword [used book], your ad could appear when users enter the following query:
Ad will appear:used book
Ad won't appear:used book sellerused books

Negative-matched keywords prevent your ad from appearing when a search includes a keyword that isn't relevant to your ad. Our ad won't appear when a negative keyword we've specified is included in a user's search query.
To specify a negative keyword, add a minus sign (-) before the keyword or phrase you want to exclude. Negative matches may not restrict your other keywords as much as phrase or exact matches might.
Example: For the broad-matched keyword used book and negative keyword -college, your ad could appear when users enter the following query:
Ad will appear:used book seller
Ad won't appear:used college book

AdGroup Implementation:
As demonstrated, you can include different matching options for keywords in the same ad group.
To edit or add a keyword with matching options in your ad group:
Sign in to your account at
Select the campaign, and then the ad group you want to edit.
Click the Keywords tab on the Ad Group Details page.
Click Quick add or Edit keywords.
Enter your keyword with the proper punctuation (e.g. quotes, brackets).
Click Save.

Tracking Ad Performance
Quality and Performance Basics
The more relevant the ads are, the more likely users are to click on your ads now and again in the future.
For AdWords ads, the most important factor in relevance and ranking is the ad's quality, also called the Quality Score. This measurement is the strongest representation of how useful a user has found an ad to be and is central to the AdWords cost-per-click (CPC) pricing model.
Your Quality Score: We first determine your keyword's Quality Score. Your Quality Score is based on your keyword's clickthrough rate (CTR) on Google and the relevance of your ad text, keyword, and landing page.

Your minimum bid: Next, we give your keyword a minimum bid based on your Quality Score. Keywords with a high Quality Score are assigned a low minimum bid, and vice versa.
Your CPC bid: Lastly, we look at your CPC bid to determine your keyword state and ad eligibility to show on results pages.
If your CPC bid is the same or more than the keyword's minimum bid requirement, your keyword is eligible to trigger ads. It's assigned an active keyword state.
If your CPC bid is below the minimum bid requirement, your keyword won't trigger ads to appear. It's assigned an inactive for search keyword state.

Keyword Status:
Active: Active keywords have a high enough Quality Score and CPC bid to trigger ads. There's currently little risk to our advertising exposure.
Inactive for search: These keywords don't have a high enough Quality Score and CPC bid to trigger ads on Google and the search network (although these keywords may still trigger ads on the content network). This means that the minimum bid is higher than your CPC bid.
Disapproved: These keywords don't comply with our Editorial Guidelines or Content Policy and won't trigger ads until ou correct them.
Paused/Deleted: These are keywords you've paused or deleted. They won't enter the ad auction and therefore won't trigger ads.

Reports are collections of statistics that help advertisers analyze their accounts.
The AdWords Report Center can generate fully customizable reports on specific topics such as campaigns, keywords, and ad text. These reports let users identify important trends over weeks, months, or years. Most reports can also be viewed as graphs, which offer a clean look at spikes and dips in traffic, CTR, or other key elements of an account. And because each report can be customized with configurable columns and performance filters, they provide just the information we need to help us.
We can view reports online / can download them and view them with a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel.

Creating Adwords Reports
It offer nine types of performance reports. These report types, which cover the basic data users most often want to see, are:
Keyword Performance: Displays details on selected keywords and organizes statistics by keyword.
Ad Performance: Presents relevant statistics for ad variations, such as text ads, image ads, video ads, and local business ads.
URL Performance: Displays statistics and measures the performance of destination URLs.
Ad Group Performance: Organizes statistics for each of our ad groups.
Campaign Performance: Organizes statistics for each of our campaigns.
Account Performance: Generates statistics for our entire account, or for a portion of our account.
Search Query Performance: Shows performance data for the search queries that triggered our ads which appeared after receiving clicks.
Placement Performance: Shows statistics for ads that appeared on specific domains or URLs in the Google content network.
Reach and Frequency Performance: Find out how many people saw our ads and how many times they saw them over a certain period of time.
Creating report is as simple as following our four-step form, and then clicking 'Create Report' when you're done. Here's how:

Report Type: To begin creating report, select Report Type from radio buttons beside each report name. Your options on the remainder of the page will ajdust according to the type of report we have chosen.
Settings: In this section, View and Date Range, and which ad groups and campaigns to include.
View: Choose 'Summary' for a high-level overview of all your selected stats, or choose from among 'Hourly (by date or regardless of date),' 'Daily,' 'Weekly,' 'Day of week,' 'Monthly,' 'Quarterly,' or 'Yearly' metrics for our account.
Date Range: Use the pull-down menu and select a time period (i.e. 'Last seven days,' 'Last 30 days,' 'This month,' etc.) for your report. For specific dates for summary, Daily or Weekly views, click on the date fields underneath the pull-down menu. Clickable calendars will appear, from which you can select report beginning- and end-dates.

Campaigns and Ad Groups: To include all campaigns, choose the first radio button. For individual campaigns or ad groups, choose the manual selection option and click on the campaigns and/or ad groups you want included in your report. Choose as many or as few as you want included.
Advanced Settings: In this optional section, you can customize columns and filters so your report includes only the data you want to see.
Columns: Click the 'Add or Remove Columns' link to reveal check boxes for each of the available column categories for your report type. You'll find a wide range of choices, including Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Avg CPC, Cost, Avg Position, Campaign, Daily Budget, Campaign Status, Ad Group, Ad Group Status, Headline, Display URL, and many others. As you add or remove columns, the visual column display is updated based on your selections.
Filters: Click the link to 'Filter Your Results' for filter options based on your report type. Filters allow you to refine up to four data types. Use the pull-down to select and customize the relevant data types for your report. Depending on your report type, your filter options may include Ad Distribution, Status, Match Type, Site/ Keyword, Avg Position, Clicks, Cost, Avg CPC, CTR, and Impressions, among others.
Templates, Scheduling and Email: In this section, you'll name your report, save it as a template if you want to reuse your settings, and provide an email and format for receiving your report.
Name Your Report: Enter a title for your report. Pick a name that will be easy to recognize when you see it on a list of other reports you've created.
Templates: Check the box to 'Save this as a report template' if you want to run similar reports later.
Scheduling: If you want to run this report on a regular basis, check the box to schedule automatic reports and choose from the pull-down schedule menu (for delivery daily, every Monday or on the first of every month).
